Welcome to

LOOP Coding

Where Young Minds Transform into Tech Pioneers!

At LOOP Coding, we believe in empowering the next generation with the skills they need to thrive in the digital age. Our passion is to inspire and guide young minds, aged 5 to 16, on an exciting journey of discovery through coding and technology.

LOOP Mascot

Our Mission

At the heart of LOOP Coding is a mission to bridge the gap between curiosity and capability. We are on a quest to foster a love for learning and creativity by introducing children to the world of coding in a fun, interactive, and age-appropriate way.

Why LOOP Coding?

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Tailored Learning Paths

We understand that every child is unique. That's why our courses are crafted to accommodate various learning styles, ensuring that each student progresses at their own pace.

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Engaging Curriculum

Learning to code should be as enjoyable as it is educational. Our curriculum is designed to captivate young minds, making coding an exciting adventure filled with challenges, games, and real-world applications.

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Expert Instructors

Our team of experienced instructors combines technical expertise with a passion for teaching. They are dedicated to providing personalized guidance and fostering a positive and inclusive learning environment.

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Building Future Innovators

We don't just teach code; we nurture the skills needed to become future innovators. From problem-solving to critical thinking, our courses instill essential skills that extend beyond the world of programming.

What Parents Say

Fadhlan sangat menikmati tahapan pembelajaran yang diikuti, berharap di setiap level ada final project yg bisa dijadikan tolak ukur pencapaian materi yg diberikan selama di kelas. Semoga LOOP semakin berkembang dgn pilihan-pilihan program yg lebih menarik dan bermanfaat.

fadhlan and mom



Alhamdulillah kursus Coding dan Robotic di LOOP Academy memberikan progress yang baik untuk Liam. Meningkatkan imajinasi dan kreativitas, juga kesabaran dan ketelitian. Team pengajar juga aktif sharing progress anak.

Liam and mom

Wyndha Cynthia


Belajar coding di LOOP Coding membuat kreativitas dan minat anak bisa terasah dan terus berkembang. Pengajarnya juga baik dan sabar dalam menghadapi anak dengan segala macam karakter. Semoga LOOP Coding bisa terus menjadi wadah untuk memaksimalkan potensi anak yang mulai tertarik untuk mengenal dunia IT dengan lebih dalam. Sukses buat LOOP Coding!

Hakeem and mom

Bimi Hardanti


Sangat berguna untuk menambah softskill anak.

Ravin and mom

Katrin Nayenggita


David suka belajar coding. Sampai saat ini dia bisa ikut dan menikmati pelajaran. Terlebih lagi, David senang diajar langsung oleh Mr Vikram, karena pakai bahasa Inggris.

David and mom

Carolina B.P. Ruru


Our Team

Lydia Chandra



Coding Teacher

Arika Karpina

Coding Teacher

Nur Azizah Lailah


Iqbal Yunanto

Coding Teacher

Kurnia Sandi

Coding Teacher

Join the LOOP Family

At LOOP Coding, we don't just teach code; we cultivate a community where curiosity knows no bounds. Join us on this transformative journey, and together, let's unlock the potential within every child to shape a future where technology is harnessed for creativity and positive change.

Are you ready to code your future? Let's start the adventure at LOOP Coding!

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